Quote Sheldon="Sheldon"So did he get charged with dangerous driving?'"
Yep. But of course got the big discount for pleading guilty early.
Quote Sheldon="Flexwheeler"He's acted recklessly and killed someone.....'"
He drove dangerously, not recklessly. It's a level higher than reckless.
The fact that someone died is pure chance. It is misleading in this context to say "he killed someone" as you are in danger of implying that he had an intention to kill or maim, when in fact he probably never gave the risk a moment's thought.
Quote Sheldon="Flexwheeler".....he's then left the man for dead. '"
Indeed, but failing to stop isn't at all the most serious offence he was charged with. And cowards in the agony of the moment deciding to cut and run is sadly all too common.
Quote Sheldon="Flexwheeler" He should be serving at the very least a decade. Longer IMO. Someone like that needs to be rotting in jail for a long long time to think about what they've done. 5 years is nothing. '"
But opinions as to how long sentences should be are like s- everyone's got one. It has been pointed out that there are pretty comprehensive sentencing guidelines and it is just totally pointless picking out one single offence and railing against the guidelines. That is the law of the land and if you were the judge you would have to sentence on that basis too. You don't have to like it. Plus, he won't serve anything like 5 years. 2 years would be much nearer the actual mark.
I could also point out that hundreds - possibly thousands - drive far more dangerously than this man ever did every day of the week, but most don't hit anything, so are not punished. And you can watch infinitely worse driving in any police-chase-stylee program - which of those dangerous lunatics ever gets a sentence in years for it? There is a case for saying that this man was just very unlucky that circumstances arose whereby he hit and killed someone. His driving would have been just as bad, whether he did or didn't. The law makes additional sentencing provision to mark a death, but the fact is this moves into being sentenced for a consequence - not for what you did, but the result of it.
Quote Sheldon="Flexwheeler"But it beggers belief that a mugger, who caused no serious injury to his victims, is serving LONGER than someone who has killed, and tryed to cover his tracks. '"
It beggars YOUR belief, but you are comparing two cases that can't sensibly be compared. You are again using the word "killed" as if it was some sort of deliberate killing, whereas it was a pure unintended consequence.
Quote Sheldon="Flexwheeler"That's the point, there doesn't seem to be consistency or common sense in the sentencing.'"
Common sense? You mean that if you disagree with a sentence personally, that makes it not common sense, don't you. But you can't sensibly talk about inconsistency - the guidelines are there for all to see and any out-of-kilter sentences are subject to being increased/decreased on appeal. So in the greater scheme of things, it doesn't actually matter that much what that individual got from that judge, what is far more important is that there is a settled appeals process so that in the majority of cases the law of the land on sentencing is in the end fairly imposed.
Quote Sheldon="Flexwheeler" open the newspaper and literally see this day in, day out.'"
Try something other than the Mail, then.