Quote Hudd-Shay="Hudd-Shay"Amazing really. A very good win and HJ hasn't acknowledged it yet. Rubbish HJ!icon_wink.gif'"
Came up on Neil's magical mystery tour and won a jar of humbugs in the raffle.
Coming back now, sittIng in the back of son, halifaxpauls car. He rang to tell me he was going to the game, offering a lift, just as I had parted with my £15 and was sat comfortably on the charabang
Good game, when we were 10 points up I remarked that I would be very disappointed if we let them score. Oops.
Good second half.
Got done for crossing on at least three occasions and gave the ball away with ambitious passes that went astray on a couple of occasions.
Luke Ambler took at least three cheap high shots which went unpunished.
Have been told that Adam Robinson has broken his arm, unconfirmed.
Just rung Mrs halifaxjohn to tell her to chill the coke, get the ice cubes ready, slice the lemon and have the ltr bottle of Bacardi next to "his Masters" chair. Mmmmm.
Int life brilliant.