Quote Fax4Life="Fax4Life"The RFL say that, although central funding will continue, under the new proposals the size of hand-outs will be more performance-related to factors such as a club's contribution to the sport and its business management.
Let me guess who wrote this???
A clue he was once a man of finance, that must be Mr Wood's plan then surely?
What will 'performance realted factors be I wonder?? This man cannot stick to his own rules on SL Licences never mind something like this, I can see it now 'hello Nigel just letting you know Halifax have earned the most out of the pay outs again this year sir, what do you want us to do? Mr Wood 'Leave that with me I will sort them, er sorry, this issue out, it will be different next year don't you worry they won't be getting that much ever again'.
I fear for the Championship 1 clubs, my God there will be teams with NO fans and you even may get relegated, where to oblivion???
One day that man will be gone, I just cannot wait for that day but on the money he is on it may be a long wait, how will they get rid of him he seems to have total control?
I will still be here though and will celebrate big style when he does go.'"
I have been questioning this ' Central funding will go to clubs that contribute to the sport the most ' clause , just like the ' subjective judgements ' we see in the licence decisions , will there be similar ' subjective ' anomolies in funding