Quote Fax Missionary="Fax Missionary"Ovo, your post does an injustice to the underlying strength of each of the clubs you mentioned. You have been around the game for a while I assume and know how clubs run by your involvement at Fev. As such you will know falling attendances, financial issues, etc are part of day to day life at this level. However, you seem to overlook the fact that there are very strong foundations at clubs like Barrow, Leigh and Fax and even when times appear to get tough few press the panic button.
Loss of coaches and current financial challenges will not undermine any of these clubs. Sure Barrow might not be able to afford another Jamie Rooney or Ned Catic, but they too have very good young players and a hardcore of fans that will follow them come hell or high water. Leigh's current financial issue is merely a blip and they will be as strong as ever next year. In our own case we are a very well run club, with a strong fan base (which has seen worse times than this and still retained 1700 or so core fans), a strong player roster and clear direction.
I'd read your post again and consider the above. Its great to be an optomist, but to consider even for a moment that the apocolypse has arrived to all outside the borough boundaries for Featherstone is just niave.'"
I agree with you.... I want all clubs to be strong especially traditional ones. I will say it again my post was in the context of appealing to Fev fans, to try and stop them jumping on the band wagon of saying 'I am done with the game, we will never get in SL'
Many Fev fans have a mentality of "if it ain't Fev I aint interested'. Not me BTW..... but that is why understanding the context is important. We cannot afford the loss of any fan, so I am trying to show them some positives from a Fev perspective and keep them.
Look it does not matter how much people or situations hurts some clubs, the great supporters that underpin Fax, Leigh, Barrow, etc will ensure that the club continues and comes back stronger. However, there is no doubting that for the next 3 year cycle, Fev begin in a relatively strong position because of the groundwork that has been laid.
I still would not consider myself naive though