Quote Starbug="Starbug"Faxcar, what was Fax s ' status ' when you started following them? , and IYO what ' status ' is required to make marketing worthwhile?
Yes without doubt a competitive attractive brand of RL will help, but in sport that can be a difficult thing to guarantee, believe me, no ' cheap shots ' here, just a genuine interest in lower tier sports management
Where does that come from you asked yesterday ? , 4 years as a director at Leigh, 10 years as a shareholder and a not unconsiderable cash investement over that 4 years, with the following 5 spent trying to bring a new outlook to the clubs management and how it ' sells ' itself
Also an attempt 5 years ago to get the ' locked out ' Championships Clubs to look at working together, something that IMO could have been paying dividends for those clubs willing to open their eyes
I am fully aware how difficult it is to run a club at this level and the financial problems it can bring, but if you keep doing what you've always done, dont expect anything to change
All the best'"
Sorry I don't understand the your "where does that come from you asked",comment I can't see where I did that.
Anyway. To be honest my thoughts are the status of Fax when I first started to watch them is as it has always been, in a cycle of some good times and some not so good times, it seems to be part and parcel of the game for most clubs.
On that subject looking back and seeing how some of the bad times were possibly self inflicted by the abuse given to a former owner and his family leading to him walking away was why I posted.
My post was to ask people to consider if it was ground hog day with a current director, some whisperings have suggested it may be.
As I do with most things I rather focus on the good I know for a fact that person has done, I was not at the time commenting on marketing as a strategy but simply pointing out some truthful positives from a different area.
On status and looking back there is some benefit in doing so but you have to be aware of if what was relevant then is relevant now.
A lot has changed in just say the last 20 years, a whole new generation has come along with a different mind set and with a lot more vying for their time and money, on entertainment / recreation the world is built on it, the entire system is built on marketing their brand.
A repetitive theme is, "The Best" we have and you want it.
The best phone the best i pad, the best excitement / entertainment, it's to do with what looks good to the eye that gets your first attention and then once you take a look it has to be good quality and good value other wise it ends up in the bin never to be used again.
Market and budget with that in mind, to be better than your current competition that's the status you need to have.
It's how you show the public the above where the real challenge lies and I believe that is where Fax fans feel the club could do more, obviously it's no good being the best if no one knows about it.