I don't know if anyone here is on redvee.net and seen the shirt im going to get made. I did have one made last season and it went down a treat with the people who bought them.
I have slightly altered a few things to get round the copyright. The stickman is slightly changed and the 'St. Helens Glass' is still a registered company, so I replaced Glass with Class. Some people think thats tacky and cheap but I don't think it does at all. I have added redvee.net or superleaguefans.com but im still waiting to see if I can use them on the shirt. If not then they will be removed

The name and number is optional.
Anyway here's the drawing I've made up based on the 84 shirt that Mal Meninga wore when he was at Saints. This is the shirt people are like and I only need 12 to put an order in. If your interested just let me know and I keep you updated with any developments.
Last year the shirt I got made was £35 which included everything. If you need it delivering to your address because you live outside of St. Helens then I'll delivery it but I would need an extra £2 to cover the recorded delivery costs.