Quote Bulliac="Bulliac"Well that's the kind of cynicism I usually go in for myself, so I know where you're coming from! Tom did say he wanted to make it here though and even if, in truth, he actually fancied going a little bit, I can understand why he would choose to remain here, away from the rest of the "burgess show" in Aussie.
Whilst remaining realistic, I hope he stays at Odsal and becomes a star in his own right, away from the pressure of the South Sydney goldfishbowl. I think his mother is still here, and undoubtedly she will have other family here too, so hopefully she'll stay, 'cos if she went it might be the writing on the wall, or at the very least one less reason for Tom to stay.'"
Don't get me wrong Bulliac, I think he wants to stay for the reasons you mention and I really hope he does. Club has to look after their own interests though and thats where I'm coming from with the contract. Long deal and the associated cost of buying him out of it would also put some clubs off going for him. If he has turned down an offer, then its a good way to reward him and show the club appreciates his potential.
With any luck the clubs prospects generally will improve over the next few seasons to the point where we become a much more attractive club and the temptation goes away. Then the rest of the Burgess clan can come crawling back!