Quote paulwalker71="paulwalker71"Once again a meeting with no obvious agenda booked into a room way too small to hold the number of people reasonably expected to attend...'"
Yep some of those rooms are very small so hoping the've gone for one of the bigger ones, from what I've read on Facebook they are having a second meeting at 8.00pm in case everyone can't get in for the first one although I can see the first meeting taking longer than an hour tbh, not sure how that will work but we're going to try and make it at 8.00pm unless something happens in the meantime as far as announcements are concerned.
I know they are wanting to start a Supporters Trust which is great I guess, although I thought we had one with Bullbuilder, and if it's done correctly and legally before they start taking money from anyone. At the moment not many of the people who should be there have confirmed they will be there so they might or might not. With this one being in City Hall I just hope the organisers can control the meeting through the agenda and although feelings are running pretty high just now I hope people can keep calm and respectful of where they are or it will end up being bad publicity which we don't need.
I've said this on Facebook and I'll say it here, there's just so much cloak and dagger, behind closed doors and private phone calls and dealings going on and no offence to the people involved but so many new names popping up as the voice of the Bulls fans.
At the end of the day I suppose it's who do you trust.