Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Ferocious Aardvark"You are a lying, racist idiot. This is not an insult but an accusation. Or character assessment. Whichever you prefer. Why you would think, even for a second, that anyone - least of all me - would want to "revisit" your unspecified previous ramblings, not only here but "on the T&A" I can only guess. Not only will not a single person do so, but you are deluded in offering this ridiculous suggestion. Nobody takes you seriously. Your incoherent, wannabe EJ Thribb verbose style grates on even first glance, let alone on reading. Why would anyone unfortunate enough to encounter it once, ever choose to read it again?
1. Lying - I will just pick one out, "going to a money lender" - you KNOW that it was Whitcut not Khan who went to the money lender. You KNOW he did so to raise money TO BUY KHAN's SHARES. Yet you cynically lie, accusing Khan of borrowing the money, presumably hoping nobody would notice. Not only a lie - an idiotic one.
2. "should have stuck to making chappatis."
A slur with clear racist connotations - which you have got away with before so you don't have the defence that you didn't realise it can be taken that way. Indeed it seems clear you have deliberately regurgitated it. Racist.
3. Idiot:
a) OK was not (as everyone knows) doing "the accounting". He appointed a very poor choice to do that (Whitcut) and of course he is responsible for his poor choice (and has paid and will pay the price) but you cannot accuse Khan of doing what Whitcut did. But, of course, in your case, you feel able to do precisely that.
b) Words almost fail. You want him DEAD? What sort of a weirdo are you? First, I have always said I will always be grateful to OK for saving our club from disappearing, and that is what he did. Second, we know that, amongst other things:-
* he put in at the very least the £375,000 that the administrator has been able to document
* he also took out a £200,000 loan from the Council which he PERSONALLY GUARANTEED and is now liable for
* he also personally guaranteed pretty much the entire finances of the club to the RFL, including the payment of a further £100,000 that would (as at date of deal) have arisen in 2015.
It looks to me like his intervention has ruined both his finances and his health. But kept my club alive at a time when nobody else would.
In my (very) personal and frank opinion you are therefore a scumbag to write the things you do. Based not on insult, but an honest assessment of the things you have chosen to write. Now if you don't mind go talk to someone else, don't address any more comments directly at me as I have no interest in reading anything further from a person with your qualities, and your deeply unpleasant and IDIOTIC "hanging" comment was for me the last straw.'"
Very well said FA