Quote Ferocious Aardvark="Ferocious Aardvark"This.
I have a very long tether, but the last time, I finally reached the end of it. The thing is, emotionally I am not willing to go through the wringer another time, I really don't need it, and so that would be it for me too.
The loss on the accounts is not great news though accounts are a funny thing, and always well out of date, so in itself, not that bothered.
But RFL having to pay other clubs on our behalf for gate money because we won't sounds ominous. Clearly we don't want to fall out with other clubs, clearly everyone knows the pretty simple rules on gate sharing, and so the fact that despite this, seemingly a couple of them were reduced to having to shop s to the RFL, who in turn put us on sanctions and veto new signings, isn't something that happened by accident.
I look at the CCJs in the light of the above. No, you can't get a CCJ registered against you by bad administration. If you defend and lose a case, (and there are no reports that we did) then as long as you pay the judgment within the time allowed it does not get registered as un UNPAID CCJ and those are what you need to avoid at all costs. If you lose a case, but then pay up, then it is never an unpaid CCJ and is, if anything, a positive credit matter as you paid up what you were found to owe.
Sounds much more like no defences filed to simple money claims, and after the 14/28 days, default judgment entered. Given the very adverse consequences of having unpaid CCJs recorded against a business, not paying them seems grim. Even if they pay them late. The question is self-answering, in view of the publicity and the credit rating, if you could pay to avoid that, you surely would.
Then there is the persistent rumouring that we are struggling to pay the players' wages "as normal". that one won't go away, when Chisholm made his claims, he never named a club, but equally no other club was put in the frame, and our problem is our track record of such things.
And then we have the stuff about likely not playing at Odsal next year (but why not? We won't be in SL and the ground is at least as fit for Championship as several others, so what would be the reason?)
Putting the jigsaw pieces together, it looks suspiciously like the RFL withholding part money to pay others what we should have paid has caused a hole in cashflow. But the worrying thing to me, whatever the truth about the rest of it, is that we put ourselves in that position in the first place.
I weakened last winter and paid full whack for a top dollar season ticket. While I have enjoyed much of the season hugely (and what a contrast that has been) I won't be buying again whatever anyone says unless the air is somehow completely cleared to my personal satisfaction, but I can't see that happening.
I sit in an acre of empty top dollar seats, and I'm not surprised. First, we got very little extra for the top money.
Second, anyone is allowed to sit in the top seats without any sort of check (so you could buy the cheapest stand ticket, and sit in the empty top dollar section). I actually prefer people within at least coo-ee, but that's not the point, what is my incentive to pay much more than them?
Third, without any word of apology, we no longer have the Premier Club bar; that is, we do, but all the interior doors are open, there is no check at the door any more and what would be the point as anyone is free to go in, and often all but 1 of the bar staff are serving in the main bar anyway.
So it just represents very, very bad value to me, but the financial spectres looming under the clouds on the horizon is the main reason. And I reckon that the sort of rumours being discussed here will badly affect season ticket sales, even if they are all 100% false, it couldn't have come at a worse time, how does Chalmers sell those tickets now? And if we can't sell enough STs, and with the dwindling walk-up, I for one do fear that we may have more pain.
Very interesting and light shedding post here FA.
Because what you describe above is an indication of organisational incompletence at such a basic level it only makes you wonder how bad it must be as you get into other more important aspects of running the club.
I had no idea it was that bad in there. As a loyal customer you have paid for additional add ons that are now an open house.
Chuffin hell - where is their appreciation of your custom?
I think the majority of us in here are the last of the die hards, who have endured much and under this owner, remain largely unrecognised.
Sadly we appear to be all saying the same thing - if we go under - thats it this time. I also think this way.
Finally - I have to say that the same "management team" responsible for running the club has remained in place for the last three admins and I strongly suspect the same "management team" are responsible for the debacle in the top dollar ticket area you refer to FA.
Hence, what you say above makes it unsurprising we are in a mess yet again. More rain clouds.
PS Have you raised the issues regarding the lack of seat checks and the loss of the bar with the management?