So there's a thread on who you think will win the WCC, I'm interested to find out who you WANT to win?
There's a lot of Wigan haters out there - perhaps because we dominated the RL world for a decade, but never won anything on merit but only because we went full-time pro in 1942, we bought all the best players in the world (and left half of them in the reserves just so they couldn't play against us), we bought the RFL and all the refs, we've cheated the communist cap by millions in every year of SL, it was our fault Cas went down that year, or perhaps you just didn't like Edwards and now don't like the Tomkins clan.
Alternatively there are plenty of British fans who can see past club rivalry and love nothing more than to stick it up the ockers & send them home with their convict tails between their arrogant in-bred legs.
So who are you supporting on Sunday?
[size=75(there's no "I don't care" option because that's a cop-out)[/size