Its articles like this, and the small minded ambition we have from not only fans but also those running the game, which perfectly demonstrate why our great sport has never reached its potential.
Play Catalans on Saturday, Toulouse on Thursday or Friday or vice versa. Its not rocket science, nor it it hugely problematic. Its actually a great opportunity.
....the only challenge here is small minded chairmen who only see the cost of 5/6 days in hotels, and losing a couple of hundred away fans (who should rightly be made up by home fans much more interested in watching their team play Toulouse than Wakefield or Salford....I will definitely go to our home game vs Toulouse, over games vs basement SL clubs who i'm bored of seeing us play!
Rather than look at minor challenges and threats, those who oppose this should look at the opportunity and benefit this brings. If we manage it correctly it can be huge for the game.
Extra cost of hotels and flights....stop looking at this negatively and start talking to tour operators to be official travel partners and sponsors of the SL (to line up all the fans packages with them etc). I bet you could find more than one tour operator in 48h who would be only too happy to cover the teams travel and accommodation costs in one of their hotels for the deal.
....Now thats a trade off sponsor with ACTUAL value...much better than free livery on lorrys and free pizzas which achieve nothing

....Toronto achieved it with Air Canada in very little time....If only they hadn't been equally small minded to kick them out, they could go and talk to them for some tips!!
In any business i have ever worked, the senior leaders have been required to continually assess opportunities and threats, and adapt and change in a way which meets the opportunities and diminish the threats. ...unfortunately it seems SL and most SL clubs do not operate this way!
Instead we ignore open goal opportunities and adopt a victim mindset to grumble about the challenges and blame everyone else "the world is against us and its only just possible for us to survive"
...The grand final crowd and the Toulouse 'issues' are perfect examples.....approach this positively, constructively and with a change mindset the opportunities outweigh the difficulties tenfold...they just need to look beyond the end of their nose!!