Quote Starbug="Starbug"But considering that when the licences were given out Bradford apparently owed a huge sum of money to the RFL , and had no means to repay that loan , do you not consider that an issue ?
That is why the RFL s involment in this is relevant'"
Assuming they did owe the RFL a fair wedge, not really. If they had folded the RFL would have received a few pence in the pound on their investment. By allowing them to compete at the top level and carry on for a bit longer the idea is to manage the debt and generate a better value return.
Acting as a good creditor would if they could.
and its a big if, they did allow them to continue in order to manage the debt then the question surely must be should the RFL if it is financially involved in clubs be in a position to award licenses or should this be and independent process by some accountancy or law firm etc.