Quote Asgardian13="Asgardian13"I disagree. Last year the RFL was lambasted for taking the Stobart 'no cash' deal. They should not be in a hurry to take easy deals. In these straightened times I can imagine that there is sponsorship money to be had from payday loans companies, online gambling outfits and booze producers, but taking such cash would be a retrograde step for a 'family' sport. Premier League wendyball clubs long ago gave up any pretence at sense or morals ( how else can you explain Chelsea's sacking of a manager 3 months after he wins the 'Champions' Cup'? ) so it is to be expected of them to grab money from anywhere. Rugby Union 'sponsorship' is often really patronage. The chaps who run the finance and insurance brands themselves grew up with 'rugger', sell products to ABC1 types who grew up with 'rugger', and, no doubt, enjoy the corporate hospitality at 'rugger' that comes with the 'sponsorship'. These are the same companies, BTW, that destroyed the UK economy. Do I envy Union its income? Yes I do, but we're not going to get their type of sponsor into League any time soon.'"
Disagree, the NRL manages to attract plenty of blue chip, white collar sponsorships.
ABC used to cover RL mate.