Quote gutterfax="gutterfax"Getting out of Wembley is pretty easy...it then depends on the trains, tubes and queues for them. If it were me, I'd head for Wembley Stadium Station, catch a train to Marylebone and walk the 1.5 miles to Euston. Train Journey is 35 minutes, [iwalk is 10 minutes [/iand I would leave myself 40minutes from seat at stadium to getting on a train....best to maybe head for the gate at 5.15pm sharp to make sure and allow for any mishaps. I'd also recommend you use that route to get to the ground so you know where you're heading......'"
You think you can walk 1.5 miles in 10 minutes?

That is 6.66 minutes per mile! I beg to inform you that such a feat requires Olympic quality marathon level [irunning[/i, not [iwalking[/i! Walking briskly 1.5 miles in 30 minutes would still be a perspiration inducing aerobic achievement.