Quote John Gilbert Reds="John Gilbert Reds"It had nothing to do with it. After our hammering of Leigh last week, it was obvious from the body language of our players during the warm up that they thought yesterday would be a walk in the park. A case of turning up, going through the motions and picking up the "easy" 2 points on offer. Instead, they were caught cold and shell shocked by the enthusiasm of the Bulls players both in defence and attack.
When Jake Mullaney is cutting through your defence like a knife through hot butter, you know the effort just isn't there. They've just made the job more difficult for themselves than it needed to be, I expect a big response at Halifax in a couple of weeks times.'"
I admire your optimism.
I used to be like that. Tried to be pragmatic, instead of letting emotion take over.
However, I'm really struggling to remain supporting this Club, and it pains me to say it. The Bradford result has little to do with it except highlight a gaping problem that Salford has had since I started watching them thirty-odd years ago. There seems to be something deep and intrinsically wrong in the make-up of the Club. No matter what happens, who's in place, or who plays. We have been a team that has been unable to gain momentum in any department in the top flight for what seems like forever. Certainly a life time. We have never grasped opportunities on or off the field when they've presented themselves. Bradford is a textbook example of typical Salford.
To be honest, I'm amazed we're still watching Salford at all, because really, if we're honest, it's a bit of a miracle we're in the SL and pretty fortunate to have a Club at all. The next few weeks are crucial, if we still want to be disappointed next season in SL. While the Championship is far from the end of the world, for us as a Club in a non-RL area and with little chance of turning a profit I think it will be a case of applying the morphine pump before we slip away.
While I appreciate it's not the end of world just yet, and a turnaround of effort could still see us coast through and avoid that fourth or fifth spot, I'm just getting a little tired of the same old drama. Survive and we still have to go through the soap opera of appointing a new coach and rebuilding a team. Again. The same patterns are emerging of trying to buckle together something that might work but never does has finally sapped what little fortitude I had as a Salford fan. I'm running on empty.
We all know that if we're in SL next season the chances of having a season free of drama, constant bad press, poor decisions, and opportunities lost awaits. I'm just not sure, after all this time stuck in groundhog day, whether it's time for me to call it a day.