Hello All.
It's been brought to my attention that this board is getting a tad fractious.
Now we all know that two of the mods, having done sterling service for years, have decided to hand in their modding badges.
At present, that means this is a little short handed.
So, while we attempt to steady matters, I shall be looking in on a frequent basis.
Now, I don't want to have to [ido[/i anything.
I don't want to hand out bans; I don't want to find myself locking threads or editing them.
How that works is entirely up to you.
To help facilitate matters, this thread is going to stay open for reasonable discussion about the future of the board.
I will also create a new thread, so that, within the rules of the AUP, you can do a spot of venting spleens, if you so desire. Note – still within the basic bounds of the AUP – so no slagging off your fellow board users; no content that wouldn't pass the watershed test and nothing libelous, no matter how much you hate Marwan.
So, let's all play nicely.