Quote Bigpev="Bigpev"but that would involve marketing, plus if Wakefield get 8,000 for Sunday, about 5,000 would be £10 tickets and 3,000 £6 tickets total take £68,000 for the match multipy that by 13 for the season which equals £884,000 before tax. Can you run a club on that, not when your salary cap is twice that amount, thats why clubs need to charge twice as much to cover playing costs, and get average crowds of 8,000 as well as the TV money and sponsorship, so it is a tight budget.'"
I agree to a degree but 8,000 fans paying a tenner is better for the club than 4,00 paying £20 (twice as many walking-adverts for the club, twice as many people buying refreshments, twice as many merchandise sales and, perhaps most importantly, a better atmosphere at games which improves the experience and hence encourages even more fans).
The issue IMHO is whether we (or even Wakey) can get 8,000 people to pay a tenner rather than 4,000 people to pay £20. My concern is that we'll get 4,000 at £20 but only 6,000 at £10 and hence lose money