Quote TheButcher="TheButcher"He does have form for telling the truth, be it good or bad. Unless someone has evidence otherwise, being told from the big man that it isn't true has to be the default setting. Otherwise, we're no better than Barker and any other hack off social media.'"
That is a fair point. However, I don't recall many comments regarding individuals on the playing side of things. I'm sure there was more to the Noble departure than we all know, but that doesn't mean nothing happened. Whilst there's no point in too much idle speculation, I'd also take public claims from inside the camp that all's rosy with a pinch of salt. Not just because it's Salford, but more a conditioning from years of experience. No matter how transparent any organisation claims to be, there's always something, somewhere that's hidden away.
Still, he was ill according the poster above, so that's the end of that, then.