Quote TheButcher="TheButcher"Ave it, is showing all the signs of sporting Bipolar.'"
Sorry "Butch'' i think 'Ave It' is bang on the money. We've lost enthusiasm, awareness, cohesion, dial and most of all attention to detail and NO 'Friggin Heart'. There's no excuse for these pitiful performances, Hull KR, Catalan are no doubt winnable games, i dread to think how much Huddersfield will be relishing our visit come Monday. I'm not going to slag certain individuals but collectively as a team at this moment they're a bunch of lazy primadonna's stealing a living. Our attitude is all wrong. Forget all about individual errors if our attitude is not sparking we've lost the game in the 'friggin' changing rooms. The last 160 minutes of game time have been pitiful and unworthy of this standard. ''Red Devils'' hahahaha more like ''Dead Devils''.
"Ave It'' you're right no wonder "The Real Salford people'' have had enough of the same old embarrassment. It's not because we lose but the manner in how we lose its in our DNA finding a way to lose. Attitude and attention to detail are non negotiable traits and we're lacking it in abundance. I don't expect to win every game but blimey show some heart and desire especially at friggin home. Dejavu or what