It's ridiculous. I once applied for a work placement with the BBC and one of the questions on the application form was "what spectrum of Society do you feel the BBC could focus on more?"
I answered "Rugby League fans" and broke into what can only be described as a dissertation (get me using big words

) articulating why I feel so aggrieved at the seeming lack of consideration our sport gets. You work for a national publication, you charge a fee for the right to access your publication, the very least you can do is put some effort into getting it right. They wouldn't have a picture of Dwain Chambers in an article about Usain Bolt; there certainly wouldn't be a picture of James Milner when discussing James Collins, so why should Rugby League be the sport they cover with least enthusiasm? Just because there are fewer at Warrington-Saints than at United-City, does this mean we care less than United and City fans about our team and sport? Erego, do we not deserve the same respect and endeavour when covering our match?
Funnily enough, I never heard back from them.