All the negotiations and works behind the scenes have been pretty much finalised now and we hope to be in a position very soon to start to really market these games in a big wayand release pricing details etc.
Make no bones about it we are treating these games very seriously and so are the clubs involved. Derek and Paul wont be treating them as warm ups or friendly our season has already started and the friendlies will be competitive games.
Wigan & Salford are both coming very strong and agreements are in place to support that and they will be met head on and in Wigan's case we will be reminding them they have been beaten here last few years kids or no kids and we also took a moral victory from the CC game last season so it will be interesting to see how a strong Wigan outfit cope with our boys who are working very hard and looking mean in training.
For any doubters its Wigan's only test and hit out prior to a World Club Challenge and flying out to Aus so be sure they need to come strong for their own reasons just as much as we as fans want them to and to emprises this the marketing and PR for the game will be a joint effort between us and them and it truly will be a "Battle of the Borough"
We are Leigh they are Wigan and its game on simple as!!!
Anyone who knows Derek Beaumont from his last spell at the club knows he is not afraid to say what he thinks and he also told Salford to come as strong as they can and they will need to be to as its our intention to kick their s back up the east lancs road
Warrington will be coming with a mix of first grade and U20s which also promises to be a competitive run out too.
The intention is to back up that World Cup game at LSV with some high profile, competitive games with Super Leagues best Vs. Championships finest in front of some healthy crowds so spread the word the disappointments of the past are in the past this preseason will be like no other indeed the season ahead really is promising to deliver some great times for us leythers!!!!!
We Are All In This Together