I have no doubt that some in attendance will have travelled quite a few miles to be there, but I would think most will be locals.
So could it potentially be a great opportunity for the club to do some advertising, marketing, and promotions?
Massive audience right on our door step to target prior to the event. Leaflets, dare I say some free /discounted tickets? Whos going to be in the boxes? (I Know one party

As for Elton perhaps we could present him a Leigh Shirt or one for his son, whilst on stage?
A 'Leigh Centurions' rugby ball for his son? Or give him some to kick into the crowd like his mate Rod Stewart does with the footballs.
Time for another Leyther flag waving day?
All Leigh supporters to attend in their Cherry and White?
No doubt there is other ideas? possibly even some better ones.

but you get the jist.
Or would this kind of thing be forbidden by the organiser’s?