Quote Dick Jones="Dick Jones"What we are forgetting is the club was left in this situation, due to the chairman business going under, the club was hoping we would win both cups and we would have just got through it.
When Arthur left..... I tried my best to get 1000 Lisa ,members as I knew what would happen towards the end of the season, as I was in the know of approx what monies the Chairman had been putting in.
Basically no ones fault ........
Club have tried their best for the players, everyones pulled together last few weeks ,has we all have Lisa coperate club etc.
Now I think they didn't say anything as they was hoping something/one would come in with money but no one did.
Circumstances for which the club had no control.
The players know how special our fans are, let's hope the rest left decide to stay.'"
Lynda , i for one know the hard work and effort you alone put into helping our club

, i wish we had 6-10 more like you ,i agree and hope the rest of the players get their cash sorted out and decide they have a Future with Leigh Centurions ,as fans every poster on this site would play for Leigh for nothing , some would pay for the PRIVILIGE ,but we are in a sport where money talks , it seems to me Swinton will have more players next season , than Fans

but we are Leythers , we WILL SURVIVE and prosper , you only had to listen and see the Passion in the Fans eyes at the last Fans Forum,we are NOT A SINKING SHIP , believe me , Leigh Fans wont let it happen .