Quote never a dull moment="never a dull moment"please read carefully. we need every penny.keep up the good work
see, not even a subtle dig(see all previous posts) at anyone
nice to see basil at batley yesterday.....state of cas he could be back with us next year and after what ellis said int paper he would be with him
keep bluffin now...........'"
I had already admitted i read your post wrong ,but i felt you was getting personal calling me a Plank

i have been called worse though , i know im a Clown , hence my name , but i never joke about our Great club , like everyone who comes on this forum i want the best for Leigh Centurions ,as im sure you do .
Its took me nearly 2 years to get the Poker Night as successful as it is , and i just felt you were trying to belittle this work , like you say we need every penny we can get , i know i go on a bit about it , but i feel im trying to promote the event and keep it in the spotlight , i wish i could get about 10 more entries each week .
As for Basil returning , im not sure , im also a big Basil fan , i also read what Ellis said in the papers , again we need players now , starting with Thursday , anyway sorry if i offended you , it wasnt meant in that context , tell yer what come and have a game of SNAP tomorrow ,7.30pm at the Centurion Pub

the drinks on me .I will try to keep bluffin to , though im not good at that either .