On the same programme, John Wells was talking about same thing and trying to enlighten Eddie on all the work done outside the Club. but then got on to the topic we all have talked about here at length. And that was the lack of marketing or the follow up from community work that is done. he also said same as us about the silly point of doing work with juniors and school and then play games on a Saturday at the same time as all the amateur and junior games are being played, where was the sense in that he kind of said. that wasn't the way to build up supporters (any one would think he had being reading these boards lol).
He told a story of when he was at QuinsRL and going to a local school to do some rugby coaching and work, then having the teacher come up to him and say how great it was for the kids and that he would be trying to bring some to their next game, only for him to mean the Union game. As JW said he didn't seem to know it was RL they were showing them as he just saw the Quins brand, and that he said was the problem the club had no identity.
Funny thing was I have heard the same story before from a mate of mind. when QuinsRL went his kids school, they just thought the same that it was QuinsU who were there. My mates son tried to tell his teacher it was League not Union but was told don't be silly. My concern was he didn't say if anyone there told this teacher any different.
All and all what JW had to say was very good he seem to know what was missing. What made me wonder was he wouldn't be drawn into if Broncos would go down, no matter how much Eddie pushed for an answer.
Maybe as some have hinted here he might be the right person to have fit in some where in the club, as and not 100% sure on this but don't he still live down in London as works for Sky, and sesms to know where some of the problems lie.