Quote Rogues Gallery="Rogues Gallery"Derby day routine
Probably deserves a thread on it's own.
Not much sleep, I've played the match four times in my mind before I get up.
Up early.
Have a shower.
Go the toilet.
Play the game in my mind.
Go the toilet.
Have breakfast,[size=150 being a good catholic boy[/size and it being Good Friday it's poached eggs on toast.
Go the toilet.
Have a another cup of coffee.
Go the toilet.
Have a another cup of coffee.
Go the toilet.
Go to the pub
Go the toilet.
Get on the ground
Go the toilet.
Game ends
Go home
Nice meal, bottle of wine
and watch the sky+
Open another bottle of wine.
Aren't derby days wonderful?'"
Me too
90 min train journey with vast quantities of alcohol for me... Proddy style!!