Quote Riggs Warrior="Riggs Warrior"It' s a farce to be perfectly honest but darn me and my principles, I just can't get my conscience to allow me to pay for Sky. Gration is useless and his bias towards the Yarksure teams is hilarious, Leeds in particular.
I know other teams fans are going to give me stick for this but the media hammer us consistently, the level of professional jealousy because of the past still lingers; if it ain't Harry, Robbie and Iestyn, it's Stevo and Eddie. Most of the papers last year took great delight in us being on the scrap heap, now they constantly bemoan our 'technique' and if that plonker wire fan who writes for the times makes reference to the technique or the harsh way we got rid of Noble again, there may be consequences!
Back on topic, I feel it's a shame that they don't get Balding to host it (as I do think she is fairly good, bearing in mind she's not known as an RL fan) and actually make a bit of a thing about it. Play it on the Sunday evening on BBC2 and spend a bit of cash. Have watched ITV coverage of kick and clap and tbf it is far better quality.
Anyway rant over'"
Ironic really as Gration is a Hull fan