Quote shambawangy="shambawangy"I think its too late now, this should have been done when both teams moved to the JJB. DW could have done its easily (as he owned both clubs) i.e buy one season ticket get the other 1/2 price'"
You know it would have been a great idea, and as the saying goes "it's never too late".
We have a town that we all shouls be proud of, sporting wise. We have the Super League Champoins, a Premier League Football team, an exciting set of Athletes coming through with the Harriers, A decent cricket team and so many good things going for it.
BUT, we have so many dimwits who are all prepared to divide the town with petty ancient grudges, in some cases even where they don't exist. What happened with the football was over 20 years ago, only the old timers will remember it and it was aimed at a board an set of staff that have absolutely no presence at warriors now. The 'Latics haters', most don't even know why they so called hate them.
Who knows what the future holds, maybe it will hold one where everybody can support their home town teams.