My dad said Billy B was the best he saw at Wigan
But he grew up wanting to be Dave Bolton
From an early age he spoke non stop about him, how quick he was etc
I think in the modern day he would have been a fullback.
From the jet black hair with the big Kookie Byrne quiff (77 sunset strip, you'll have to look it up) apparently he was quite a hit with the ladies and I'm sure thats one of the reasons my dad wanted to be Dave Bolton
My dad passed away quite young, and as you do I remember going through my dads old scrap books and seeing page after page of Dave Bolton clips, just as I remembered doing as a kid.
In 2008 I took the family to Australia for the world Cup and I mentioned to a poster on here that I hoped to meet up with Dave Bolton.
Lo and behold I was given the nod by him that he'd be attending a gala dinner on a Sydney cruise ship and by chance we just happened to be booked on the same trip.
Early on in the evening I had the honour of spending af an hour having a drink at the back of the boat with Blocker Roach (we both bemoaned the lack of Biff in the England team the night before in to 50point shallacking!), we then sat with laurie Daley and had 15/20 mims talking (primarily about him taking jonathon Davies head off at OT in the WCC in 89 against widnes, which i went to, and by the way, he really rated davies) and then did a karaoke with Benny Elias (who is a real funny character and had the whole boat rocking!).
But highlight of the evening was meeting Dave Bolton, and me, my wife and 2 kids sitting with him for the best part of an hour. He told us loads of stories, most of them rugby ones, but some about his off the field antics

and he was a real gentleman.
I never got to see him play, he was before my time, but coming soon after my dad's death it almost felt like one of those moments of "Closure" they talk about.
I have a photo of us with him somewhere, ill try and dig it out. I don't know how to post photos on here so may end up sending it to someone who can on my behalf!
I suppose I can't about talk him as a player through my own eyes, but my dad, who didn't hand out praise easily, idolised him. And through those eyes he's always been something of a special player in my head.
A pleasure and an Honour to meet him