Quote NSW="NSW"Alienating potential customers whilst radicalising their tiny fan base.
Quite embarrassing really.'"
A spot on assessment.
Although my concern is this- the Bahrainis know nothing about the history of our town nor our sport. They probably have little to no understanding about what rugby is, apart from their vague perception of union type (Which being in the Middle East they are likely to see as the epitomising posh western English culture. So unlikely to view it favourably as they don’t know what we’re about.
Then add to the mix that the main way they’ll understand our town, culture and sport is listening to the numpties who watch latics! You only have to look at the police statements and the trouble the morons were all causing at Bolton to see that it’s a different breed of folk who watch them. Look at the majority of their fans in the pub before a latics home game...not all but a good 80% are visible simpletons...you can see why they have such issues with the rugby.
So my problem is this. Bahranis will have been told all sorts of nonsense as fact...how we’ve tried to kill their club, how during their recent plight leneghan tried to buy the stadium to bankrupt them etc etc etc. They start to believe the nonsense and think even more poorly of rugby than they did without having any balancing conversations with others or understanding how important we are to the town. They antagonise the rugby and do everything they can to make things difficult. That raises their stock with the idiot latic fanbase. They probably expect that to make them more successful but it does the opposite- it just isolates latics fans to their 7k core as a fraction of strange people with weird ideas. ...I wonder if the Bahrainis know that in the last 5-10 years the latics faithful were singing to opposition fans “who’s the P-ki in your nets!” as they had a Muslim goalie

you’d expect that sort of racism well and truely hidden now
What happens in the next 5 years. We probably end up leaving the ground which makes us weaker. Bahranis believe the latics nonsense that all their problems were due to the Chinese...not losing over a million quid a month as they are not viable as a championship club. They get promoted, wage bills increase again to 18-20 mil a season just to scrap to avoid relegation from the championship and after two or three seasons they’ll inevitably pull the plug again, leaving latics on the brink of extinction and us with reduced support etc at Bolton. So their boom and bust every 3-5 years helps no one...what would actually be better is someone making them a sustainable L1 club bringing through their own players and generating some meaningful pride in the community club.
What really miffs me is all of this could have been avoided had the admins accepted leneghans offer for 3.5mil on the ground! I really don’t understand how they turned that down when it was half a mil more than the bahranis paid for the whole lot. Recognise they took on guarantees for the future losses of the club, but that outcome really hasn’t helped anyone.