Quote RebelRebel="RebelRebel""He looks slow because he creates time for himself". Well, that's what I was told on Sunday.
TRB mate, he [ilooks[/i slow because he [iis[/i slow. [iVery[/i slow. He had a good game on Sunday, make no mistake, but [ithe guy is slow[/i.
All the best players have that ability to look like they have time on their hands. I remember watching Andy Gregory - year after year, and even when getting on in years - he always seemed to have time to stop and read a newspaper before anyone would get near to tackle him and, as an opposition supporter, it used to frustrate the hell out of me as to why no-one would just run up and smash him - but they didn't.
Paul Cooke has that element of 'time'. He makes up for his apparent lack of pace through his reading of the game and his ability to make good choices of either passing or kicking.
I stand by my comment!