Quote Fordy="Fordy"Tries - Hauraki 2, Kirmond 9, Mariano 5
Tackles - Hauraki 221, Kirmond 572, Mariano 261
Marker Tackles - Hauraki 33, Kirmond 88, Mariano 28
Missed Tackles - Hauraki 11, Kirmond 33, Mariano 12
Tackle Busts - Hauraki 13, Kirmond 38, Mariano 20
Carries - Hauraki 105, Kirmond 222, Mariano 131
Metres - Hauraki 700, Kirmond 1435, Mariano 996
Average Gain - Hauraki 73, Kirmond 138, Mariano 107
Errors - Hauraki 12, Kirmond 14, Mariano 6
Offloads - Hauraki 9, Kirmond 10, Mariano 3
Bearing in mind also that Mariano missed most of the first half of the season through injury.
I know who I'd prefer in my team and it's NOT Hauraki'"
without stats some players just go a miss
Kirmond's proving to be the best asset at the club don't let the lad be tempted by the so called bigger clubs