Quote DAVE@CAS1990="DAVE@CAS1990"Hey, I aren't saying amateur rugby union is thrilling to play (I can only imagine far from it) but it'd be wrong to stop kids having a go if they want to "on principal"
We digress... a wakefield district sports club is trying to attract players, on a forum consisting mainly of wakefield people. Fair or not????
posting on a RU forum is pointless anyway, kids will already be signed up'"
I'm not objecting to it "on principle", mate, I'm merely stating that having spent 9 years of my life playing the game at school, I wouldn't recommend it. It may have changed a lot since those days, but it's the only game I know where practising the skills of the game is actually more interesting than playing the game itself. If you ignore the specialist skills like scrumaging and line-out, then the training is one area where playing both may be beneficial, but I'd argue that more variety over a year, doing different sports in the off season if your kids play league, is better for the kids and their physical development than a whole year playing 2 forms of rugby. Just my opinion, though.
Anyway, apologies for taking this off topic topic off topic by extoling the virtues of rugby league on a rugby league forum.