Quote Inflatable_Armadillo="Inflatable_Armadillo"No, it is a planning clause, not a contractual one. To develop Belle Vue for housing, you would need to get it removed, plain and simple. To do that, as Sandal Cat points out, is by no means certain and will be time consuming and costly. Also, and lets be clear here, the club don't want to move, they just want to pay a fairer rental value and that is what they have already offered to do and still hope will happen.
I would be very, very surprised if a new lease deal is not agreed in the coming fee weeks, which will see all getting something out of it, maybe not what they had before, but still better than the alternatives for all parties!'"
Just being devils advocate, if we have served notice of our intentions to leave BV and intend taking residency elsewhere, can it not be deemed unfair on the landlord to be held to rights over what are now unnecessary caviats?
If we had been booted out, it might seem unfair on us as tenants, but as we have exercise our rights to look elsewhere woulnt it now look unfair "holding the landlord to ransom"?
A subtle change of events could lead to a subtle change in perspective of how this case is now viewed??