Quote vastman="vastman"Have you a quote from 88m?
I have a feeling, may be wrong, that that was a story started on here that somehow became fact.
Simple point - if BV is the best option why didn't the Council/Yorkcourt/the Club (who were advised by the Council not to) buy the ground and the Superbowl for less than a million pounds in total a year ago?
Mr 88m stands to make ten times that by simply re-offering the same deal that was available a year ago!
I'm not a conspiracy theorist by nature but this one has gone way beyond theory - it just plain odd - none of it makes any sense at all.
Even if it happens it still makes no economic sense because somebody most notably YC and 88m are almost certainly going to make a killing at the ratepayers expense. Fact, this could have happened a year ago for far less money and without the need to bring in yet another developer. Also why do people think 88m are in any way more trustworthy than Yorkcourt?
As I say I hope it happens and I'm made to look a wally on this one - I'd happily live with it.'"
Nice one get the ratepayers against it aswell.