Quote The Avenger="The Avenger"5 wins from 25 with embarrassing losses to nil, passionless, clueless performances, same structural problems for the last 5 years despite being able to work with the same core group of players during that time.
You can call fans who aren’t happy “ grudge fans” whatever that means or insinuate that anyone not seeing unicorns and rainbows in our performances aren’t “genuine fans” all you like. The fact is we’ve been rank bad awful for at least 2 years, maybe it’s the Brian Smith factor wearing off or maybe the John Kear influence dissipating but Chester’s obviously not good enough!
It’s not the Wrong forwards, wrong platform, wrong halfbacks, wrong selection that’s the issue it’s the fact we’ve got the Wrong Coach! He been trying now for about 8 years and like HKR before us we’re now suffering from the coaches inadequacy!'"
I never said all fans who aren't happy are grudge fans. Far from it!! There are grudge fans. Not many, but there certainly are some! Also if genuine folk want a change in coach, it doesn't fuss me. I get it. In every sport, some fans want change, some fans dont. We're no different.
One of my points was the past 18 months has been incredibly difficult for the club and it's been extremely trying for Chezzy and the coaches and I've empathy with that.
But you've cleared it up for me if I was in any doubt, you want a new coach