So what do we all think?
At the start of the season I was hoping for improvement, better rugby on the eye, the club going in the right direction, more passion in the derbies, and would have settled for top 6.
This season has ticked all my boxes and barring a little inconsitency could have been even better. Overall I'm really happy with the season and I believe we can beat Giants and then possibly put up a decent show in the second round (which could well be Saints away on form).
There is a great feeling of community and spirit around the club again, something I feel has been missing for a few years.
There is a sense of belief that something is really happening and the PG project is well underway.
I can't wait for next season already and Sunday is going to be a cracker.
Well done AP, SM, PG and the lads, it feels great to be a black and white again and you have done us proud as far as I am concerned.
On a local level, finishing 11 points above the piggies and dominating all 3 derby games is a cherry on the top.
For you olda faithful pal of mine