Why are people constantly having a go at AP for the way he does business??? Firstly he is the best thing that has happend to OUR club in years, he has vision and a desire to succeed not like the last board. Secondly its is HIS club and the way he does business is up to him, most of it is done behind the scenes and only comes public when someone leaks the information. Yes he slated our half backs...so..he said what he thought, makes a refreshing change to see someone been honest. Im sure he has spoken to those players and what he expects from them.
If you are that p*ssed at him i would suggest you find another club to support as imo fans like this are not wanted at the club and their views only seem to stir trouble. Be constructive not negative ! If you are a true Hull supporter you should get behind AP, PG and the team and not put ridiculous comments.
Were would we be without AP ??

We are finally moving forward, with a good coach, back room staff, building a good team and investing in better facilities for our youth so we can bring through more of our own. And people moan about AP !!!!!!

Get a life or better still another club !!!