Re: Wilf's post above.
Think that captures what most of us are feeling this morning, perfect summation of last night
We're in it for the long haul (we have no choice really but to do otherwise!). There were positives, negatives, talking points galore from last night, all perfectly encapsulated by Wilf, as always. There's a long road ahead of us if we are to get even remotely back to where we all wish to be and I think we all knew it's going to be a long hard bumpy road, last night simply reinforced just how much work is required to set the ship sailing once more.
Let's hope that a few of the floating voters who turned out last night see the game for what it was (a lesson by the very best in the business), can see a couple of the green shoots of recovery and don't desert us for another twelve months or until the next cheap ticket offer!
As Wilf so eloquently states above, the long suffering hardcore are well used to knocks and disappointments when it comes to our club, we will be here no matter what, let us hope a few of the uncommitted/unconvinced stick by us as well.
If last night's game had been against anyone else, it would have been a joy to watch Wigan play in that manner, but as we were the opponents it made for a painful night's '[ientertainment[/i' It's a strange feeling admiring someone as they are giving you a good kicking!! but that was how last night felt to me.
We simply need to be realistic here, chalk up last night to experience and move on to the (ongoing) job in hand, the long rebuild of Hull Fc, which is happening but only slowly right now.
Hopefully there are better times ahead and I get the feeling that virtually every poster on here recognises that it will take time to right some many wrongs the club has made in the recent past, but the road back has begun.
I just hope I get to witness the better times before I'm fully into my dotage when I may have difficulty remembering the previous night's game anyway!!!

Hopefully before I reach that state of affairs!!