Quote grahamd="grahamd"I refer to the initial post under this heading and can I just say that I respct the right to comment on the fans forum but please don't keep looking back! After doors close, look forward in anticipation and joy to open new doors. ...
We are no longer at Tattersfield, its very unlikely that we will return there, if ever. We as supporters of rugby league in Doncaster need to support the club we follow and get it out of the mire and get arrangements set up for a sustainable future.
Tattersfield is part of our heritage, but so was a fag and a pint at half time for players, ABS et al; we don't forget them but we have moved on.'"
good post grahamd,nice sentiment.also can i thank the true widnes fans for your warm encouragement and slapping down that numpty jiffy.we know what predicament we,re in ,but we,ve got a team of young lads doing there damndest to keep the club playing.so jiffy do your worst we dont give a monkeys for your so called true opinion.