Quote Mrs Barista="Mrs Barista"Rubbish. Why not download the accounts? You can see that the valuations impact the balance sheet only.
Fixed assets. 280,000 (within tangible fixed asset note in accounts to 2007)
Intangibles (player valuations) 942,500
Total. 1,222,500 Assets in balance sheet November 2008
Revaluation reserve 1,222,500 in balance sheet November 2008
Perhaps you can articulate the p&l impacts of these equal and opposite balance sheet items?
No problem with that Mrs B. Like I said, I've not checked the figures myself but if thats what you say they are fair enough.
The point still stands - and to be honest you have helped prove it - that with any accounts, you need to understand what is behind the headline figures in order to fully understand them.
Now then, I'm off to empty this keepnet. It's rather full.