IMO we don't need to "try" anything.
People need to act like grown ups and enjoy themselves.
People need to accept whatever decisions the nominated refs make and get on with it. Nobody is a qualified ref and its' too cold to stand around arguing about what was what. There's no league points or medals at stake.
People need to accept we're all of differing skill levels and talent levels and nobody has the right to tell anyone they have to play this way or that way and not do this or that.
Players should embrace (not physically) all other players and pass to them and not just pass the ball around their own little group of friends.
Finally, everyone should just get the f[iuc[/ik out of my way and let me score loads of tries.
If people can't embrace this ideology than they should ask if the Lost Loiners is the level of rugby they want to play and might be better of trying something more serious etc.
Just my twopenneth.
PS, who on earth said PJ and Si were playmakers. Just daft lads who can run fast.