Quote Charlie Sheen="Charlie Sheen"George Orwell is masturbating in his grave right now.
Mass spying, intrusion from government and global corporations, and the never ending erosion of personal freedoms..
The continuation Keynesian economic policy, and a criminal, morally bankrupt, 'too big to fail' banking system with the ability to create money out of thin air.
Worst of all we have an apathetic, complacent population oblivious to the walls of totalitarianism closing around them.
We're currently in the final stage of Western dominance, and we're moving towards some form of military conflict with China, and the balance of power is moving East IMO.'"
None of the above is anything new. I'm a keen student of ancient Roman and Greek history and the issues we face today are not much different to those of antiquity.
However, I really do think we are now entering a truly unprecedented period where we will collide with fundamentally intractable and existential problems.
As stated, increasing government authoritarianism has always been with us. But previously such was successfully counterbalanced by the expansion of unhappy and disillusioned peoples into new territories where they created laws respecting the freedoms and independence they weren't being granted back home.
Unfortunately there's nowhere left to run to these days. Practically every last inch of the planet was measured, mapped and settled over a century ago.
Another novelty is the end of war. Or at least - war as traditionally defined as an armed conflict between states. Today the major powers all know that conflict is unthinkable since such must ultimately escalate to a nuclear confrontation. At which point the entire species exits stage right.
War - as we once knew it - ended with the atomic detonation over Hiroshima. Since then warfare has largely been fought not with guns and bombs but "Credit Default Swaps", "Derivatives" and such.
With rising population, dwindling fossil fuel, food and water reserves and an existential threat to the planet we really are sitting in a pressure cooker with the heat rising steadily.