Quote Fully="Fully"Very good performance.
Josh Griffin my man of the match by far. He was just so dangerous down that left-hand side having an input in a couple of tries and scoring two himself.
I've got a feeling, if he can maintain this sort of play, he could be another Brett Ferres in the fact that he came to us with a less-than-glowing report from our beloved neighbours and has completely proved them incorrect.'"
I can kind of see where you are coming from, Griffin (like Nash) look to be confidence players that need to be mothered alittle but he isn't going to be up against Sykes and Ainscough every week, but like you say its a good start.
Thought the new signings went fairly well..Nash didn't do much wrong and Lee Mitchell put in a decent stint in defence.
All of them seem eager to impress and were enthusiastic which is good to see.
One player who could be a terrace favourite is John Davies, his build reminds me of a Bull Terrier and he is as aggressive as one too, he really gets stuck in