I think the new plans look awesome and am happy with the proposal for seats at the top of the south stand.
Best of both worlds. Keeps standing terrace for those traditionalists and brings the stand and stadium in general (bar the western terrace) right upto the 21st Century in terms of comfort, facilities etc
For over 25 years I stood crammed in the centre of the South Stand but there came a point when I got older that I wanted more comfort and a better view and given one of my group who is older than me, it got to the stage where standing for so long (given you had to get to the game well over an hour and half before kick off to guarantee getting into the middle) became quite an ordeal so we moved to seats.
Did I miss the craic, yes possibly. Did I miss people jumping up and down showering everyone around them with beer when we scored a try. Not when I got past my early 20's. Did it spoil my enjoyment of the game...definitely not.
Given how many fans seem up in arms over this proposal, just imagine if the club had announced the South Stand was going to be ALL seater...it would have broken the Internet