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One of my big interests in life is the two World Wars, wargraves and the memorials to those who served this country. I am a local volunteer with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) and have adopted a number of wargraves of Battle of Britain pilots. I give them a clean and tidy to maintain their appearance, befitting of the person who made the ultimate sacrifice for this country. I am not sure if you have ever had a look at the CWGC website but on it is a publication listing rugby players who have served their country in its time of need.
This is a link to it:- www.cwgc.org/admin/files/Rugby%20leaflet.pdf
As you can see, there aren’t any rugby league people on it. I have spoken to the CWGC people and I have been given the go ahead to produce a list of rugby league people who answered their countries call in time of conflict. I have been in contact with Stevo and we agree this is something that doesn’t exist but we have agreed it needs to exist!
I have written to all the clubs for the names of people who served this country in a time of conflict. This is where you guys and gals can help. Please could you forward to me the names of people associated with your club that went to war. Not just those who made the ultimate sacrifice but those who came back.
It is hoped when all the names have been collated, to produce three books of remembrance. One each to be given to The Rugby League Heritage Centre, one to the RFL HQ at Red Hall and one to the National Arboretum in Staffordshire. The details will also be passed to the CWGC for inclusion on their website.
Also, I will create a register of where their final resting places are, if the fallen are buried in this country, I would like some volunteers to tend their final resting place so they aren’t forgotten.
So, please send me the names of those brave people from the rugby league community who answered the call. I don’t mind being told many times about one person. It would be very sad if we missed out someone who should be remembered!
You can either reply to this thread, PM me or email me directly to the project email rlwarheroes@yahoo.co.uk
Thank you in advance for your help with this project.
[i“They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor, the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, WE will remember them!”[/i
One of my big interests in life is the two World Wars, wargraves and the memorials to those who served this country. I am a local volunteer with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) and have adopted a number of wargraves of Battle of Britain pilots. I give them a clean and tidy to maintain their appearance, befitting of the person who made the ultimate sacrifice for this country. I am not sure if you have ever had a look at the CWGC website but on it is a publication listing rugby players who have served their country in its time of need.
This is a link to it:- www.cwgc.org/admin/files/Rugby%20leaflet.pdf
As you can see, there aren’t any rugby league people on it. I have spoken to the CWGC people and I have been given the go ahead to produce a list of rugby league people who answered their countries call in time of conflict. I have been in contact with Stevo and we agree this is something that doesn’t exist but we have agreed it needs to exist!
I have written to all the clubs for the names of people who served this country in a time of conflict. This is where you guys and gals can help. Please could you forward to me the names of people associated with your club that went to war. Not just those who made the ultimate sacrifice but those who came back.
It is hoped when all the names have been collated, to produce three books of remembrance. One each to be given to The Rugby League Heritage Centre, one to the RFL HQ at Red Hall and one to the National Arboretum in Staffordshire. The details will also be passed to the CWGC for inclusion on their website.
Also, I will create a register of where their final resting places are, if the fallen are buried in this country, I would like some volunteers to tend their final resting place so they aren’t forgotten.
So, please send me the names of those brave people from the rugby league community who answered the call. I don’t mind being told many times about one person. It would be very sad if we missed out someone who should be remembered!
You can either reply to this thread, PM me or email me directly to the project email rlwarheroes@yahoo.co.uk
Thank you in advance for your help with this project.
[i“They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor, the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, WE will remember them!”[/i
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| Chorley. I am currently doing a project on Warrington Northern Union players who lost their lives in the Great War. I also have a fairly long list of Warrington players who served in the Great War.
For info, we lost 11 in WW1, and 1 (Frank Cueto) in WW2. I will pm you later today.
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| Thank you for that Teeside - an absolute goldmine - thank you
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| Good work fella 
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| An absolutely wonderful idea. Chorley Rhino, I take my hat off to you sir. 
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| cant believe has not been done before,well done for taking the the time out to research this.When complete can you renew link on here for us to read a piece of history cheers.
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| Frankie Cueto who I believe was a Warrington half-back, was a fighter pilot in WWII, and was shot down and killed.