Quote 1905="1905"I started a similar thread about Waterhouse a few years back because I felt many of our fans didn't appreciate the work-rate and grind he brought to the team.
Back to Sims;
What did we expect he would do?
That's the question I would like the greater minds on here to answer.
For me he plays with passion and gives 100% in every second of every game when he is on the pitch. He tries to bond with the fans; after our first try at Wigan he was the first one back in position, and was applauding the r for their support. If I recall correctly he did this at the start of the match too. He isn't Morley, he isn't Carvel, and he isn't Boyd. He's a bloody good forward though, and I'm getting sick of all the rubbish that knockers like RD are posting on here.
I'm not suggesting we elevate him to a the realms of a wire legend, but for mine, the boy done good so far.
Get behind him, and he may do better. Takes a lot for a bloke to up route his family and move from Aus to rainy Warrington. He came over to play for us, and given what he does, he's not well paid. However hard he tries, however much he gives, the idiots on the terraces will question his motives.'"
You haven't read my posts then.
I don't say anywhere he is isn't a good forward. I appreciate him and his family up routing but so did Cuthbertson's! I appreciate him going over to the fans like Rowland Phillips.
I see his strengths and those areas he is not so strong in.
I even see Asotasi's strengths.
I will repeat some of myself for 1905.
Now the honeymoon period is over Sims has the good looks but looks too lightweight to be a prop, he is more mobile and in my opinion it is no demotion to start with Big Roy to soften them up and then bring Sims on who may be more effective....
1905, two weeks ago this is what happened and Sims even scores his 1st try!
V Widnes he was doing a lot of arm waving and 3rd man in the tackles. I watched him like a hawk but in all fairness the whole team was utter shaat, even the staunchest fan would fine it hard to clap of the team for that performance.
1905, would you prefer me to say Sims was so awesome at Widnes? When he bloody wasn't?
As you started off a thread about Waterhouse you may or may not be happy about me saying Sims has offered no more than Waterhouse despite the big preseason bigging up of his signing.
Bottom line imo is the all the props arnt as good as Morley and Carvell and pointed out by other as being too soft in comparison. I agree.
Hill being the all round best.
Asotasi being the total best in micro moments the and the rest obviously not.
Sims wants to be the best but doesn't posses the body mass to be so, swapping the pasta and rice for fish and chips and he just might be.
If that is knocking 1905 I will wear the crown.