We've all had a moan in past seasons, about the voting for Coach of the Year, but how could it possibly be abyone other than Neil Jukes, this season?
I know he has had an impressive squad of players to coach, but he was thrust into the position, literally at the start of the season, had to endure the media circus surrounding Ryan and Rangi, manage a number of high profile egos, suffer the departures of Brierley, Pala, Chase, and Emmitt, the 'non availabilty' of Beswick, and Barlow, the long term injuries of McNally, Tonga, Moimoi, Patterson, and Dixon, (and of course Chase) the lengthy suspensions of Acton, Higham and Hock, and the non-stop rumours on players supposedly emigrating to Toronto Morals. And still he has improved individual players, and the form of the team.
There's my vote cast - now I wonder how many other coaches the Yorkshire mafia will vote in front of him?!