If every quins fan that came throught the gates on Sunday gave £1 to a marketing fund, I could collect the money and go on an all inclusive week at a Sandals resort

.....or........spend the £2,750 on a bit of targeted marketing....we would need 184 people to attend the game to get our money back.
So, here's an idea. For all those budding marketing people out there.....research and find the most effective way to spend £2,750 on marketing to attract 200 new fans to a game..
For me, I reckon 5 cheerleaders and a couple of players in 2 Australian bars selling advance tickets to a game would generate 100 sales easily. (£1,500)
Then, I would sell 400 tickets at £5 each to St Mary's students in their bars again, with players and cheerleaders in attendance......
so far, I haven't spent any of the £2,750, so my holiday is still looking good

....I have 500 bodies through the door and am half way to heathrow........got to be worth a try?